Saturday, February 13, 2010

Anniversary/Valentines Day

Today, Peggy and I had to play some catch up. This past week, we celebrated our Anniversary on the 9th, but had too many things going on, so we decided to postpone our celebration until today. Usually we scurry aound trying to fit something together and usually we are tired and cranky by the time dinner rolls around. This year we decided to adapt our Anniversary to our new lifestyle that we are working towards. What difference does it matter what day we decide to stop and smell the roses! As long as we can still smell! So this morning we set out to run some errands and for lunch we went to Ralph and Coocos for our official Anniversary! We also stopped at Cavanaughs Jewelry so Peggy could pick out her Gold Dipped Rose. Being the romantic fool I am, I bought one for our first anniversary and of course it was as big hit with Peggy and now its a tradition! Why couldnt I stop at a romantic Hot Dog Stand or something. A scenic overlook. Anything but gold dipped roses! I pick about it, but she is worth it and it makes it easy for me to get an Anniversary gift. Its all good.

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  1. Happy Anniversary to you both.. A gold dipped rose, never did hear of that, how special!
    Looking forward to meeting you both in Rockport..
